Thursday, April 16, 2015

Butt Bible Update

Hey there luvs. I'm on my fourth week of my butt bible. Last week I only did level 1 three times so this week I'm mixing it up with a combo of level 1 & 2 to make up for last week.

This is longer (33 minutes) and a little more intense. Yes, my quads are sore and I'll be honest. I'm struggling. This is one year where I'm really not into working out but I have to do it. If not, It'll be months before I work out again and I'm trying my best to break that cycle. I wanted to do Insanity again but I'm just not there. I'm not in my beast mode. LOL  Last year and the year before I was a total maniac. Oh well.

My diet has been the same, cutting out sugars from time to time in my coffee and sweets. I eat in moderation and eat foods to stimulate my metabolism. I gave up cakes, cookies, and pies for Lent, but still had some ice cream here and there. The foods I currently eat are below:



Sweet Potatoes

Brown Rice




Hard Boiled Eggs


Peanut Butter

Baked Chicken, every now and then I'll eat fried chicken

Cous Cous


High Fiber Cereals like Kashi, Multigrain Cheerios

Whey Protein shakes ~ I tend to want to snack late at night, but a protein shake helps my cravings.

I do  this workout because it does reshape the muscles. I've exercised throughout my life off and on and having a toned defined body definitely has it's perks. I've had definition but would like to see my muscles ripped, cut. I've had a four pack abs, but never a six pack.  LOL  Hey, it's never too late. Always keep that in mind. It's one of my future goals.

Now I'm seeing some progress in my muscles and I know I'll see a LOT more progress if I cut the carbs completely like I did last year. Well, I tried that the first few days and I swear I got a serious case of  the grumpys. My body protested. It didn't do  that last year! LOL

So I eat carbs but keep them to a minimum.  I'm 44 and I refuse to say that because I'm getting older, my body can't handle workouts. Bullshit. I'm lazy and I know it. Sorry, but Pauline is wrong that this workout isn't for lazy people. LOL  I push myself continuously because I refuse to let laziness make me unshapely.  I have to kick myself in the rear from time to time or I know I'll regret it. If any of you are struggling with exercise, don't cut it out completely, try to do something each day whether it's 10 or 20 minutes. Trust me, you'll benefit from it in the long run.

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